weather Las Palmas de Gran Canaria temperatures
Gran Canaria 10 day weather forecast Las Palmas Temperatures Grand Canary climate
The weather in Las Palmas and 10 day weather forecast Gran Canaria and canaries weather outlook are common terms to search for a longerange Gran canaria weather forecast and the temperatures in canary islands. Go with us to know all about the weather in Las Palmas today, current Gran Canaria temperatures and the special character of Cran Canaria weather and Canary climate. We try to offer here the best and most detailed report directly and daily from Grand Canary island and its capital Las Palmas.
Gran Canaria Weather Facts
Climate Temperatures Calima Rainfall Gran Canary Island
More about cran canaria weather and climate: From summer to winter the canaries weather is very well in comparison to northern europe weather. The highest season lasts from December to February, which is the time with the most tourism and of course the highest prices. But it is also the time with the most pleasent canary climate (average temperatures of 18°C) if you compare it with uk or scandinavia.
The Mediterranean-semitropical canary climate is pleasant all year round, because of its nearness to the northern tropic between the 27th and 29-th degree of latitude all year round, what has given the "archipelago" the name Islands of the everlasting spring. The constantly chilled "Canary Current," a part of the Gulf Stream, compensates the temperatures and the trade winds keep away most of the hot aerial masses from the close Sahara. An exception is the weather condition called Calima, which brings dry, warm air with fine Sahara dust on the islands with easterly wind. Basically one can distinguish between a drying time in summer and a rainier time in winter. In the coastal regions the average temperatures lie in summer hardly higher than 25 °C, in winter around 17 °C.
Furthermore there is an essential dependence of the climate on the topography of the islands. The north-east trade wind has essential influence on the high western islands, whose north-east is much more humid and cooler than the south due to the strong clouding in the mountains. Because on these islands the height differences are very big in comparison to the acreage, one can clearly differentiate into several vertical climate zones.
These reach from the dry-hot coastal regions about the humid-chill and, therefore, often wooded zone, up to chill-dry zones with partial high mountain climate.
The trade wind has only little influence on the flat eastern islands Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, on which an completely arides climate dominates. Moreover exist on all islands in areas of deep gulches and high rock walls Mikroklimata with big plant variety.
You can also check in german the weather Las Palmas and the de Gran Canaria weather forecast for the rest of the Canaries on "Spanien Wetter Las Palmas"