Gran Canaria weather-report: hourly temperatures & day-by-day forecast for 10 days

current weather today, Friday, 28. March 2025 and 10-day weather outlook

Check the Gran Canaria weather-status with data hourly provided from public Met-Services at Gran Canaria Island and temperature tables with yearly and monthly averages of water-temperatures and climate. 

How is the weather in Gran Canaria now and tomorrow? See on top our meteogram, which visualizes the current weather state starting with yesterdays progress up to now in the middle-axis and shows the current average temperature, sunshine & cloud cover, precipitation, pressure and wind direction in a nice chart, provided by Met-service.

The extended 10 day weather forecast-table below provides 6 hourly forecasts for the next 7 days, indicating predicet sunshine, rainfall, forecast of temperatures, wind direction and wind speed from Gran Canaria's main weather station at Airport Las Palmas. Please note, that this weather station is located in an airy zone, so that temperatures can be remarkable lower than in the southern resorts. For detailed local microweather please check our weather-reports from weather-stations in Maspalomas,, Playa del Ingles, Puerto Rico & Amadores, Mogan and Las Palmay City at northend of this Canary Island.

Gran Canaria weather today

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typical weather in June, July, August

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Average temperatures

arithmetic average/mean temperatures Gran Canaria weather (Grand Canary): 24,0 °C
average maximum Gran canaria temperatures Las Palmas (canaries): 31,1 °C
average minimum temperature Gran canaria (Cran Canaria weather): 19,4 °C
average Water temperature Gran Canaria islands: 20,4 °C
average rainfall Gran Canaria: 1 mm per square-meter
average rainy days gran canarias (Gran Canaria): 1 days per month
average sun hours daily canaries (Grand Canary): 8,9 hours per day