Hike & Bike Shuttle Gran Canaria

Nonstop climb up to the highest mountains – perfect start for tours

MTB Shuttle Gran Canaria Mountainbike Tours

Whether hikers or mountain bikers: who wanst do experience the maximum of enjoyable tours, better avoid the very exhausting and long ascension to the 2000 meters high mountains and invests the saved time in diversified cave paths, longer descensions through the spectacular canyons of Gran Canaria with numerous variation possibilities and difficulties. BIKE@las-palmas-24.com offers with the hike-  & bike-shuttle an easy and comfortable bike lift by bus up to the most beautiful and highest starting places of the Island. Las Plamas de Gran Canaria, we offer for self drivers, hikers or participants of guided tours the opportunity to ride on memorable and  spectacular routes and sections which were not possible to see in one day for most people

Also hikers and bikers with a rental car have an alternative: getting to the start point with the own car forces to ride or hike back to the car, or requires a second driver. Our shuttle finally offers many opportunities for one way routes which finish for example in Las Palmas of other places with a bus connection.

Gran Canaria Nonstop-Bus in the mountains

Ideally for biker and hiker, who want to do one way tours

Which hiker or biker does not know this problem: service busses into the mountains of Gran Canaria stroll for hours and do not even take along bikes, do not pass the startingpoints for the most beautiful routes and trails and in the evening there is no more bus to the coastal towns.

The journey by rental car also has its disadvantages: one way hiking or bike tours are impossible beacause you need to get back to the car, or a additional driver has to organize the pickup for the return.

Our service, to finally enable most beautiful one way tours through the mountains of Gran Canaria: the nonstop hike & bike shuttle from Las Palmas (with 5 or more participants from any other place on the island too).

Appointment and booking - so easy you can participate:

please sign in non-committal on our form and tell us in which period of time you would like to use our shuttle during your stay. Usually we start on tuesday, thursday and sunday at 09:00am the ascension to the mountains. One day before we obtain your corfirmation, so there is no risk with the non-committal appointment you just help us to provide the right capacity. The collection from a hotel or apartment within Las Palmas is free. Then we drive nonstop up to the Pico de Las Nieves, the Cruz de Tejeda or to the Mirdaor Degollada de Las Palmas such as to Artenara. Starting points for the most beautiful tours on Gran Canaria.

If enough patricipants get together, the service is also on any other day of the week and from any place available and can also be booked privat for small groups and families.

Schdule & prices

Hike & Bike Bus from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Bus Shuttle from Las Palmas to the Pico de Las Nieves

Individual prices & group registration
Non Stop shuttle service "Pico de las Nieves" Price 
1 Person with bike 15 €
2 Person with bike 28 €
3 Person with bike 39 €
4 Person with bike 48 €
larger groups on demand  

NonStop Bus shuttle to the Pico de Las Nieves and Cruz de Tejeda

Individual prices & group registration
Non Stop Shuttle service  "Pico de las Nieves"  Price 
1 hiker 9 €
2 hikers 17 €
3 hikers 24 €
4 hikers 30 €
larger groups on demand  

Departure times In Las Palmas at Parque Santa Catalina

collection in all hotels possible

weekly each  Time
tuesday 08:45 am
sunday 09:30 am
(with enough participants also on thursday) 08:45 am
larger groups any time on demand  

Hints & routes

Explore Gran Canaria on your own


Enjoy the most beautiful one way routes on Gran Canaria without redundant ways. Start you bike tour or hike in tie middle of the island to make sure the options for the most eventful, memorable and affordable tour day. From the highest point of the island the 1948 m hegt Pico de las Nieves lead many trails, paths and roads in all directions for numerous vavariants for easy of difficult one way routes. Who wants to explore the green north, better starts at the Cruz de Tejeda, at the view point Mirador de Degollada de Las Palomas or in Artenara.

So shorter hikes can for example end in Artenara, Agaete, Moya, Firgas, Teror, San Mateo, Telde, Aguimes, Santa Lucia, Fataga or Mogan. These places are not just beautiful sights but also offer a great bus connection to Las Palmas or to the resorts in the south.

Mumerous routes of all types, also for smartphone or GPS you can find for example on Wikiloc. MTB driver and racing driver will find many information on Cicloide.com, where mainly local people increase the selection of routes.

Recommendable biks tours

Gran Canaria Mountainbike-Tour B2: through the Barranco de Guayadeque to Agüimes

✭ Mountainbike-tour B2 »

Downhill through a spectacular canyon to the historic city Agüimes. Enjoyable drive through the culture, historie and a unique canyon landscape of Gran Canaria: Our guided tour starts downhill from the peak of the Pico de las Nieves and leads through one of the longest and most historical canyons of Gran Canaria, the Barranco de Guayadeque and ends in the beautiful historical city Agüimes in the southeast of the Island. Suitable for each experience level, for ambitious cyclists are more variants possible. »»»

Bike excursion A1 from Las Palmas: from the highest mountain of Gran Canaria via Teror to Las Palmas

✭ MTB-excursion A »

memorable & easy downhill from the Pico de las Nieves via Teror to Las Palmas. Easy MTB or road only excursion for each skill level: 1 hour shuttle up to the Pico de Las Nieves, the highest mountain of Gran Canaria. Starting from there at an altitude of 1950 meters up we ride down arround 30 kilometers effortlessly to Las Palmas City. Stopover in Teror is included, one of the nicest villages of the island, especially on sundays you can even visit the picturesque street market around the famous church of Teror.  »»»

MTB bike excursion A3 from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: on gravel roads to the old town of Las Palmas

✭ MTB-excursion A3 »

ambitious terrain-downhill to the old town of Las Palmas. A more demanding tour on tracks, paths and highways: Our giuded tour starts on a short street segment at the viewpoint Mirador Pico de Las Nieves, but soon it goes on a gravel road  which is not recommended for participants without any terrain experience. Far away from the paved roads we descend southerly through the Barranco del Agua in the endless serpentines to La Bodeguilla above the Vega de san Mateo. From there we ride on highways and tracks along a ridge uphill and downhill past to Santa Brigida and Tafira to the old town of Las Palmas. Highlights of the tour are the isolated, by car unattainable mountain slopes with the unique view over the old town of Las Palmas. Not suitable for cyclists who can only control paved roads. Also MTB-beginners should get off the bike in some sections of the tour. »»»

Mountainbike-Tour B4 via Artenara and Tirma along the west coast

✭ MTB-excursion B4 »

via Artenara and Tirma to the west coast of Gran Canaria: MTB Tour B4 Gran Canaria. One of the highlights of our tour range: Our guided tour starts above the Cruz de Tejeda and primarily alng a ridge to Artenara where we take a short break to enjoy a spectacular panorama restaurand to later go on uphill into the pine forest of Tamadaba. From there we ride on a gravl road downhill via Tirma to El Risco at the west coast. Experienced cyclists can also ride along the spectacular coastel road to Agaete if the  slopes do not seem to steep. The participants should be able to ride on gravel roads, a short path next to a ridge the bike can also be pushed to get over some very steep slopes. »»»